I love going shopping in my area. The merchandise is 2 years old, nothing fits, and there is no help to speak of... avoiding shopping online is easy for me. The process is too overwhelming. I'm on a new kick. If I (absolutely) need something and mange to find it, I buy multiple. My goal is to dress like Steve Jobs, female version, haha.

Good read. Thank you.

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I enjoyed reading this Charlie! I'm going through a period at the moment where I'm not buying stuff (partly because I'm on a career break and have no regular income πŸ˜‚) and what I've noticed is that I might sit and scroll my usual go to websites, thinking I could do with buying this or I need one of those. Usually I would buy said item without thinking but I'm now putting my phone down without buying the thing and you know what, I don't miss buying the thing. In fact, the thing goes out of my mind as soon as I stop looking at it. It has showed me how impulsive I once was and how I really don't need those things that I thought I needed. It's definitely freeing!

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This is such a brilliant tip. It reminds me a bit of a game I used to play with myself years ago when I was broke and would invariably run out of money for food a week before payday. I would see how many days I could go without going into the supermarket, because I knew once I got in there I would invariably end up buying more than the bread/milk/butter that I originally went in for.

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Yeah I've been there with this game too. Although I wouldn't wish the broke bit on anyone, when one chooses to hold off going to the store, it can make for some interesting kitchen experiments!

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