Dec 3, 2022Liked by Charlie Brown

Christian McEwen has a great book, World Enough and time on the topic of pace, slowing down, and it’s relationship to creativity. I actually gave myself a two day retreat to take in the message (along with reading a few other books). All of that to say, yes! Slowing down has myriad benefits.

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Dec 2, 2022Liked by Charlie Brown

Life in the slow lane...I love it there. We haven't been able to travel since Covid hit. Next March will be the first opportunity for that when we plan to go to Mexico. I have slowed down purposely in life. It drives my wife nuts when I drive the speed limit. When she's not in the car with me, I follow the slowest vehicle, roll down the windows and turn up the music. I'm in no hurry to get anywhere. It was the same when we were walking in Europe. I don't know if I slowed down because there was so much I didn't want to miss, or if it was just to soak up the atmosphere. But there's something to be said about walking through big European cities like Rome, Paris, and London...there's just something about slowing down and enjoying life.

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Excellent. When body is deliberately slowed down, since the mind follows the body it also gets benefitted. My post from m blog may be of some help to others through you. My posts are copywriter free except citations and the part I used from other books as example or to let others understand my point. http://philosia.in/2022/12/02/stop/

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