Wonderful article as ever Charlie. Whenever I read something I want to remember, I paste it into my readwise app (which then sends me a random sample of my saved notes to my email every day). Today I pasted ‘ Normalise answering the question “are you busy” with “not really.”. When this pops up in my email it will be a great reminder to slow down- thankyou! I loved all the other ideas too- many of which we are either trying to implement or already have . Btw- loved the capsule pantry article this week on sauerkraut and kimchi- your recipes are just so darned good!! Keep doing what you are doing Charlie- would love to meet you one day ( whenever I can get myself, my husband and our 3 girls over to Europe!).

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Mmmmmmmm sauerkraut. I had that spicy rice bowl for my lunch today it was SO good!

Thanks so much for the kind words. And I really like that idea of that app, I'll have to check it out!

And yes, you must come to Europe :-)

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Readwise is great- the joy of being a busy working mum is having trouble remembering things I’ve read!! - So I love the readwise app- it works on the basis of memorising things via spaced repetition- it’s really smart. I love it when something I read 3 years ago pops up! I have some of your recipes in there now- your soups one came up today actually! 😊

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This was such a good reminder that my choices in life, while non traditional, have been effective. I’m 52 and laughed at how many of these I did without realizing they weren’t the norm. I didn’t acquire a four year degree. I bought a business. I sold that business and am semi retired for a longer easier 2nd chapter. I purchased a small house .. 900 sq feet and kept it even when my family grew (I rented it out) and now 23 years later we can move back into it and it will be paid for. We bought a basic boring builder grade house and upgraded nothing when we outgrew the small house. We have the car that we brought my daughter home from the hospital in, which she now drives. We have home swapped and camped and acquired little. However,

I do not regret buying a home twice. It’s an inflation proof way to have a roof over your head. Rents rise. Your mortgage is locked. Though it is an enormous expense my renters are paying for my daughter’s education. Otherwise everything you said was truth!

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I like the idea that your daughter drives the car you brought her home in! So pleased you enjoyed the piece

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This was a great one today!

I agree. Question everything. The most interesting people I’ve met persistently resist the norm!

My favorite ways to think differently are to: minimize EVERYTHING possible, to adopt as many children as I can handle caring for (turns out to be a bit!) , to quit the horrid food waste (thanks for your words on that topic), and to think hard about what I was going to do with my life, and then do it!

I’ve enjoyed your writing (and have also spent time in Albania, so definitely resonate with your view!), keep up the good work.


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Thanks Mary! Very cool about the adoption, it's something we are considering too.

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So on point! Proud only-child parent here 🙋🏻‍♀️

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Woop! Excellent.

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What an incredibly helpful way to think about what’s been “normalized” VS other options -- I really appreciate how you wrote and organized this and the wide, varied array of other options! Thank you!!! I will be using this a ton!

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Thanks Lauren! Appreciate it

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I loved reading this today, thanks Charlie, and thanks for making me feel less alone in wanting to strive for things which are out of the ordinary :)

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Haha no you're definitely not alone!

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Great suggestions...

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Cheers Michael!

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INCREDIBLE nodding along with all of it. Literally all of it! I especially liked the like about saying your not busy - I always do that! I’m not busy I’m never busy. I’m always perfectly measured - well as much as a mum of a toddler can be. 🌸✨

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I'm definitely working on being OK with saying I'm not busy, it's probably the bit I find the hardest! So pleased you liked the piece :-)

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Thanks Matthew!

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I appreciate this blog immensely, it builds upon a a short I saw the other day that asked people to ponder the questions

What life did your parents want for you?

What life did you want for yourself?

What life are you living?

Are you happy?

I love your article, because it built upon the idea that there are choice is beyond the lives that generations lived before us. We have so many options for using Free Will to choose differently. And many of those different choices lead to living more gently upon the Earth.

I intend to share your article on my weird and wonderful life Substack. I trust that is OK.?

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I like that - I might just write an article around that very idea.

Yes, happy for you to share!

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Are you interested in a collaboration of ideas? A crosspost? Is that what it is called here?

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Always happy to chat about cross promotion - do you want to send me an email? charliebrownwriter@gmail.com

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Email sent 💞

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