If you find value in this weekly letter, feel free to share with friends and family who you think might enjoy a dose of simplicity every Friday.
Small isn’t very sexy.
Bigger is supposedly better. Bigger houses, bigger closets, bigger cars, bigger everything.
Small is unambitious. Small is quiet (and being quiet gets you nowhere).
Small means you’ve failed.
Yeah… I don’t buy it.
I’ve been ruminating on the idea of small for a long time. I’ve fallen into the trap of running after bigger more times than I care to mention, and each time it has bitten me in the ass.
Small is underrated. Small is simple. Small is sustainable.
Small is where it’s at.
Small means more time
Small is understanding that your life is measured in time, not how much is in your wallet.
Small means choosing to leave work on time (because you have better things to do).
Small means no more spending your weekends tidying up.
Small gives you time to travel.
Small means focusing on today, not tomorrow.
Small is not living in the future (or the past).
Small means simplifying everything in your life.
Small means more money
Small means taking control of your finances.
Small means eliminating debt.
Small means no more self-storage.
Small means cheaper car payments.
Small means cheaper housing payments.
Small sustains your mental (and physical) health
Small means smiling more.
Small means laughing more.
Small means less stress, and less anxiety.
Small means using a bike or your legs when you can.
Small means having the courage to stand up to toxic friends, family, and colleagues.
Small is also knowing when to walk away from those people.
Small means sleeping better at night.
Small focuses your mind.
Small means walking a little bit slower down the street.
Small means being generous with things that matter, like your time.
Small is finding something you can do today that will make your life just that tiny bit better.
Small improves your relationship with the world
Small means thinking about other people.
Small means less coveting what you can’t afford or don’t need.
Small means treading lightly on the world’s resources.
Small means teaching your kids more than how to get rich quick.
Small means finding joy in tiny pleasures.
Small means finding meaningful work.
Small is harnessing the power of being quiet in a noisy world.
Small means disconnecting bigger from better.
Small is courageous. Or culture only celebrates busyness, after all.
Small means not measuring your worth in how many TikTok, Instagram, or Twitter followers you have.
Small gives you fewer, but better quality choices in your life.
Small is a day well spent
It’s waking up to an empty diary.
It’s taking a run in the early morning sunshine.
It’s walking with your friends, family, partner, or on your own.
It’s carving out time to think, re-assess, re-evaluate.
It’s playing with your kids.
It’s taking the time to cook delicious food.
It’s reading in the quiet.
It’s talking to loved ones.
It’s giving yourself time to do whatever the hell you want.
Things I’ve done this week to enjoy myself
Sometimes I stew in my own worry for far too long and forget to actually enjoy myself. I think we can all be guilty of that. I was sitting around worrying about *something* earlier in the week then I remembered - I’m still allowed to occasionally enjoy myself.
So I decided to do something about it:
I met up with some old friends who I’ve not seen in a year. Tacos were eaten, wine was drunk, laughter was present.
I connected with an even older friend on WhatsApp and spent a great hour chatting about life at opposite ends of the continent.
I abandoned healthy eating for a few hours and bought churros, Spain’s answer to donuts.
I roasted a chicken. Because for a (non-veggie) Brit, roast chicken is the ultimate in comfort food.
Something to read
3 articles from my collection
You’ll Never Find “The Good Life” If You’re Stressed All the Time
4 Tips to Help You Live Simply in a World That Prioritizes Busyness over Simplicity
I’ve Lived out of Airbnbs for 15 Months. Here’s What the Lifestyle Is Really Like
3 of the best articles I’ve read this week
The Oscar Slap Heard Around the World - Jessica Lynn
It Costs A LOT More to be Cheap—Here’s a Much Better Way to Spend - Anthony J. Yeung
3 Common Bits of Advice That Are Bad for You If You Follow Them Blindly - U-Ming Lee
I’m in the Basque country this weekend, stuffing my face in Bilbao and San Sebastian, so it’s Eskerrik Asko (thanks very much in Basque) for reading. As always. I hope you gained something from this week’s letter. Any comments, let me know!