A publication championing simplicity, sustainability, and intention in a complex modern world

Simple and Straightforward is the publication I always wanted to write. The one that questions everything we think of as normal, from worshipping at the font of busyness to the relentless pursuit of money at all costs.

This publication may have its roots in minimalism and simple living, but it goes so much beyond decluttering and living with less. It's about deciphering the complexities of modern life one article at a time. 

I cover:

  • Culture and society, especially their influence on our lives

  • Travel, specifically how travel can shape our perception of what is "normal"

  • Digital life, questioning our all-encompassing relationship with the online world

  • Highly curated recommendations for the best intentional living content on the internet


Subscribe to Simple and Straightforward

A publication championing simplicity, sustainability, and intention in a complex modern world


Writer of opinions. Wine, food and hospitality pro.